Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome to the Bungle

Well now.  Here we go.

I've been hemming and hawing over starting a blog for about six months now.  I travel a lot and strange things tend to happen wherever I go.  I thought "Hey! I should write these down and use that good ol' college degree I paid lots of money for!"  I have a degree in writing, which is what I want to do when I finally have a big girl job, but so far my jobs haven't really dealt that much with my degree.  Much to the dismay of my family.

Jobs in the Past 2 Years:
- clerk at tanning salon
- underwater photographer and tour guide
- bartender
- english teacher

So, in the past two years I have held down four separate jobs in seemingly random fields and lived in four different countries.  I think I have a problem with staying in one place.  But, at least it is an affliction that never leaves me bored.  My latest attempt at a grown up job (english teacher) took me to Korea.  Once in Korea I found out that I hate having a grown up job and have been planning my escape back to warmer climes ever since.

My travel companion is Boyfriend.  He and I met while doing underwater photography and video in the Cayman Islands.  He showed me around (took me to the bar), introduced me to people (at the bar) and we've been together since about my second week there.  Luckily he abhors staying in one place just as much as I do and also the though of having a real job.  Also, Boyfriend is always good for some wacky hijinks.  

Hopefully this blog will act as sort of a chronicle and a travel guide.  But who knows where things will end up....